Jiobit Mother's Day Sale
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Designed by parents. Built for the families they love. Know exactly where your loved ones are-and who they're with-no matter the distance.




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Jiobit Smart Tag
Jiobit Mother's Day Sale
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Kid-proof location tracking and smart alerts.

Jiobit keeps you connected to what matters most


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Check on your loved one at any time.

Know exactly where they are and who they're with--no matter the distance.
The Jiobit App

Real-time tracking at any distance

Get real-time alerts about your loved one's location no matter where they are or how far they are.

The Jiobit App

Custom geofencing alerts

Set up Trusted Places like home, school, and grandparent's house so you’re alerted if they leave.

The Jiobit App

Keep them close in a crowd

Jiobit knows when it wanders too far from you and will send you an alert to let you know they wandered off.


Editor's Choice

"For pure tracking ... the Jiobit is the best product we've seen so far."

As Seen On

Rover Top Pick

"The Jiobit GPS cat collar tracker is ... a good choice for your kitty’s comfort."

Watch the CNBC video featuring Jiobit

Stay connected while getting long-lasting battery life.

Receive smart notifications based on location
Check in when needed with access to live tracking
Government-level encryption at every touchpoint

"My 2-year-old autistic son who is a runner got out the front door and this device's Mobile Fence alerted me!! It could have just saved his life! (and mine). You can't put a price on a loved ones' life!"

Mandy, VA

For children who have a tendency to wander.

Whether to seek out a place of interest or escape a stressful situation, Jiobit will alert you if your child leaves a safe environment.
SOS Mode

SOS Mode

Location-aware 911 emergency dispatch.

Jiobit has partnered with Noonlight to create a personal, always-available, automated security system, with 911 emergency response. Activating SOS Mode notifies your Care Team and sends emergency details along with current location to a professional dispatcher who will contact you immediately.

SOS Mode eliminates the need for you to contact and interface with 911 during the moment of emergency.

Feature coming soon

Bluetooth Alert

Keep them close without chasing them down.

Keep them close and leave the leash backpack at home. Using Bluetooth signal strength, Jiobit can detect how far away they get from you and alert you with an alarm you can’t miss. This is also a great way to find a lost Jiobit in a snap.

The Jiobit App
The Jiobit App

Trusted Places

Get notifications when they come or go from any place you choose.

Perfect for keeping track and for keeping on track. Get an alert on your phone or every device in your Care Team to make sure your family rhythm doesn’t miss a beat.

"I love the accuracy. With my previous tracking device for him I didn't have live mode and was unable to see his current location. It would update every 15 mins which doesn't help anyone. This little device is literally a life saver."

Jessica, PA

For children who travel without mom or dad.


Check behind them without needing to follow close behind.

Make sure there was no point C between points A and B. With Timeline, you see 7 days of consecutive location history, showing start and finish, including details on Trusted Places and Care Teams.

The Jiobit App
The Jiobit App

Alert Button

They can call for help with the click of a button.

When they double-click the button the Jiobit device, you and your Care Team get instant notifications. Don't let distance keep you from being there for them.

Feature coming soon

"I love our Jiobit. My son is 6, nonverbal with ASD. His IEP has an aide on the bus with him but it's been so great. His disability makes me very overprotective and I worry almost constantly. When I'm not with him, I love knowing exactly where he is."

Donna, FL

For families who rely on other caregivers.

Use Jiobit when you rely on the supervision of other caregivers, and they can have access and alerts just like a family member.

Care Teams

When you rely on a caregiver, you trust them.

Know who they’re with, and that they’re with the right people. Care Team members simply download the Jiobit mobile app available for iOS and Android. As the account owner, you can add and remove permission.

The Jiobit App
The Jiobit App

Live Mode

Monitor their route when you can't be there.

Live Mode allows you to check in on your kid's location in real-time. We use a custom antenna system to ensure every device is perfectly tuned for accurate tracking. Perfect for children who travel without mom or dad.

"We were so shocked and exicited to see how small the device was - the AngelSense device we currently use is so bulky and heavy."

Cristal, AR

For children with sensory disorder.

Jiobit is lightweight, small and discreet. With multiple attachment options, families can get creative with where and how it gets attached.

Use the Pin Lock Pouch for the most secure attachment. Key required for removal.

The Pin Lock Pouch attachment

Use the Hem-Lock Clip to securely attach to waistbands.

Feed laces or drawstrings through the Built-In Loop.

Attach to buttonholes or belt loops with the Secure Loop.

Watch the video on how to use each attachment

Watch how easy it is to use to all the Jiobit accessories.

"This is an amazing product for my son with autism. It's very small and easy for him to wear all day. The peace of mind this device provides is truly priceless."

Lindsay, FL

Jiobit is the smallest, long-lasting real-time location monitor.

Jiobit is the first-of-its-kind patented location tracking platform that uses Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular and GPS to give you the best balance of accuracy and battery life.

Durable, water-resistant, with best-in-class battery life
Real-time tracking, notifications, and location history
Built on a next-gen 5G-compatible network
Jiobit Location Monitor, charging dock and cable, hem-lock click, and secure loop

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